Planetary Positions
The position and alignment of planets in a person's birth chart can significantly impact their love life and marriage. Certain planetary combinations or afflictions can cause a delay in marriage or create obstacles in finding the right partner. The planet ruling the 7th house influences the marriage delay. An astrological expert reads the horoscope and understands the planetary influence to correct the same.
Astrology believes in the concept of karma, which means that our actions in past lives can impact our current life. If someone has accumulated negative karma related to their love life in a past life, it can result in a delay or obstacles in their current life. We analyse them and offer insights to cure them.
There are certain doshas or defects that can cause a delay in marriage or create obstacles in finding the right partner. These doshas include Mangal Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, and Pitra Dosha. Our personalised service provides astrological predictions to overcome the same.
Family/Ancestral Karma
Besides personal karma, family or ancestral karma can also delay a person's marriage. This can be due to unresolved ancestral issues or patterns affecting the person's love life.
Dasha and Transit Periods
Astrology also takes into account the dasha and transit periods of a person's birth chart to determine the timing of their marriage. If a person is going through a challenging period in terms of their dasha or transit, it can delay their marriage.